Make short work when zeroing your Pulsar thermal imaging riflescope with our range of thermal zeroing targets. These targets are air activated and are designed to enable simple and precise zeroing of a thermal imaging riflescope. See the full range below.
Filter by Price
£ -
Filter by Series
Axion Compact(0) Digex(0) Forward(0) Merger(0) Talion(0) Telos(0) Thermion Duo(0)
Filter by Optics
Multispectral(0) Night Vision(0) Thermal Imaging(1)
Filter by Device Type
Accessories(1) Add-On(0) Binoculars(0) Handheld(0) Riflescope(0)
Filter by Thermal Sensor
1024x768(0) 1280x1024(0) 384×288(0) 640×480(0)
Filter by CMOS Sensor
1280x720(0) 1920x1200(0) 1928×1088 FHD(0) 3840x2160 4K(0)
Filter by Pixel Pitch
12 µm(0) 17 µm(0)
Filter by NETD
<18 mK(0) <25 mK(0) <35 mK(0) <40 mK(0)
Filter by Lens
30mm f1.2(0) 35mm f1.0(0) 50mm f1.0(0) 50mm f1.0 (Thermal) | 50mm f1.4 (Digital)(0) 50mm f1.1(0) 50mm f1.4(0) 60mm(0) F50/1.0 (thermal) | F17/4.34 (digital)(0)
Filter by FOV
10.4°(0) 10.7°(0) 10.7°х8.0°(0) 11.7°(0) 12.4°(0) 12.4°x9.3°(0) 12.4°x9.3° (Thermal) | 21.8°x16.4° (Digital)(0) 12.4°x9.3° (Thermal), 6.1°x4.6° (Digital)(0) 12.5°(0) 12.5°х9.4°(0) 13.3 x 10° / 23.3 x 17.5 m @ 100 m(0) 14.6°(0) 14°x10.5°(0) 17.5°(0) 17.8° x 13.3°(0) 21.9 m @ 100 m(0) 25.6 m @ 100 m(0) 6.3°x4.7°(0) 6.7°x5.0°(0) 7.3°(0) 7.5°(0) 7.5°x5.6°(0) 8.8°x6.6°(0)
Filter by Magnification
1.75-14x(0) 2 - 16x (Thermal) | 4 - 32x (Digital)(0) 2.0 - 16.0x(0) 2.0 - 8.0 x(0) 2.0x - 16.0x(0) 2.5x - 10x(0) 2.5x - 20.0x(0) 3-24 x(0) 3.0-24 x (thermal) | 2.0-16x (digital)(0) 3.0x - 12.0x(0) 3.0x - 24.0x(0) 3.0x (in monocular mode)(0) 3.5x - 14.0x(0) 4-32 x(0) 5.0x(0)
Filter by Accessory
Adaptors(0) Bluetooth Remote Controls(0) IR Illuminators(0) Monoculars(0) Mounts(0) Neck Straps(0) Power Solutions(0) Rifle Mounts(0) Tripod Adaptors(0)